- SOLD! Recently sold scarves and wraps
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- SOLD: Merimekko Inspiration
SOLD: Merimekko Inspiration
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Happily sold on 10/27/18 at the First Lutheran Church Artisan Festival in Duluth, Minnesota.
Nothing is ever black and white, and neither is this fun scarf that will make you smile. The lightweight garment is created through the nuno wet felting process, which combines fine layers of merino wool and bits of bamboo, silk and wool lock embellishments. It works well as a wrap or a scarf, giving you many options to enhance your wardrobe.
Inspired by the Meriimekko pattern on Lucy’s deck umbrella at her Harbor Haven in Duluth, Minnesota.
- Dimensions: 48 inches long by 12 inches wide.
- Fibers: 100% black and white printed silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of merino wool. Fringe and embellishments include bamboo fibers and wool locks.
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