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- SOLD! Carnival Dreamscape
SOLD! Carnival Dreamscape
SOLD! 2023 DWC Fall Bazaar
This playful scarf seamlessly combines the artistry of nuno felting with the whimsical allure of a summer carnival or fair. The reversible scarf harmoniously fuses merino wool with a piece of multi-colored silk, creating a delightful canvas of color and texture. On one side, the scarf features a lightweight silk fabric with a playful pattern of swirling drops of blue, purple, green, and deep blue. On the reverse side, the blue shades of merino wool migrate through the silk, creating a stunning interplay of colors. The multi-colored fringes dance along the edges, mirroring the joyful movement of carnival rides and games. The fabric is created through the nuno wet felting process, which combines silk fabric with fine layers of merino wool, novelty yarn, bamboo, silk and colorful embellishments.
- Dimensions: 66 inches long by 9 inches wide (including fringe).
- Reversible design.
- Fibers: 100% silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of blue merino wool.
- Fringe and embellishments include silk and bamboo fibers; specialty and novelty yarn; and angelina fibers.