- SOLD! Recently sold scarves and wraps
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- SOLD! Garden Butterflies
SOLD! Garden Butterflies
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SOLD at the 2021 Duluth Womans Club Fall Bazaar!
This lightweight scarf captures the fun spirit of a butterfly garden in the magical long days of summer. The shades of light peach, orange, yellow and green swirl around the silk butterfly design. The fabric is created through the nuno wet felting process, which silk fabric with fine layers of merino wool, novelty yarn, bamboo, silk and colorful embellishments.
Inspired by the butterfly gardens that are scattered across the northland.
- Dimensions: 42 inches long by 11 inches wide (60 by 11 inches including fringe).
- Fibers: 100% silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of peach, yellow, green, orange and magenta merino wool.
- Fringe and embellishments include silk and bamboo fibers; specialty and novelty yarn; and angelina fibers.
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