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- SOLD: Foliage Explosion
SOLD: Foliage Explosion
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Sold on 11/3/18 at the Duluth Woman's Club Bazaar.
Show how much you love the stunning change of seasons by brightening up your wardrobe with nature's striking color combinations. This unique garment can be used as a light wrap, or as the perfect accent to your favorite outfit. The colors swirl like the forests that inspired the wrap, which also works well as a neckscarf. The lightweight garment is created through the nuno wet felting process, which combines fine layers of merino wool and bits of bamboo, silk and colorful embellishments. This garment is reversible, giving you twice as many options to enhance your wardrobe.
Inspired by the annual fall explosion of color in Northern Minnesota.
- Dimensions: 55 inches long by 11 1/2 inches wide.
- Reversible.
- Fibers: 100% orange, yellow and brown printed silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of merino wool. Fringe and embellishments include two sequined appliqués, white bamboo, wool locks, novelty and specialty yarn, and angelina fibers.
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