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- SOLD! Purple Passion
SOLD! Purple Passion
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Happily SOLD at the 2019 Duluth Woman's Club Fall Bazaar!This lightweight shawl will swirl with you on the dance floor while providing the perfect accent to your outfit. A subtle purple flower embellishment is felted into the one-of-a-kind design, providing subtle nods to a lavender garden. The fabric is created through the nuno wet felting process, which combines silk fabric with fine layers of merino wool and bits of bamboo, silk and colorful embellishments.
Inspired by purple iris gardens in Duluth, Minnesota,
- Dimensions: 72 inches long (including fringe) by 15 inches wide.
- Fibers: 100% multicolor silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of purple, teal and yellow merino wool. Purple flower mesh design.
- Fringe and embellishments include silk and bamboo fibers; specialty and novelty yarn; and angelina fibers.
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