- SOLD! Recently sold scarves and wraps
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- SOLD! Rollercoaster Ride
SOLD! Rollercoaster Ride
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Happily sold online on 7/16/19You will feel happy and carefree in this unique, reversible wrap. Inspired by the high and lows of a rollercoaster ride, this dramatic, lightweight garment is the perfect shoulder wrap for a cool evening, and will keep you warm and remind you of summer adventures during the less temperate months. The fabric is created through the nuno wet felting process, which combines silk fabric with fine layers of merino wool and bits of bamboo, silk and colorful embellishments.
Inspired by the carnival season in Duluth, Minnesota..
- Dimensions: 72 inches long (including fringe) by 10 inches wide. Reversible.
- Fibers: 100% flowered print silk fabric, combined with fine layers of complementary shades of purple, tangerine, white, purple, black and magenta merino wool.
- Fringe and embellishments include silk and bamboo fibers; specialty and novelty yarn; and angelina fibers.
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